Choose Life
The group of seven year olds pushed and jostled each other like puppies trying to get close to their mother. Elbows and shoulders led the way as even the most timid children tried to improve their positions. Although the snow was long gone, it was still chilly in the barn and most of the children wore winter coats, boots, and hats which only served to frustrate them as they continued to wiggle forward. From an outsider’s perspective all that could be seen of the main attraction was a large wire pen, but from the viewpoint of those few fortunate children who had at least temporarily gained a prize vantage point, a miracle was about to be witnessed. Eager, childish voices, oohed and awed as the tiny beak of an almost born chick pecked its way through the ivory shell of the egg.
What is that wonder that surrounds this type of event? It’s also there as a still wet foal struggles to its feet for the first time. And it rings through the cry of every new born baby. It’s life! The wonder comes equally from our lack of understanding of its creation and from our full understanding of how precious it really is.
The baby’s full cry and the chick’s strenuous pecking are evidence of the very nature of life to strive for something better…something more. It’s what drives studying students, patient mothers, and space exploration. It’s what God has built into each one of us to encourage us to keep on grasping after holiness.
Life is what makes the enormous difference between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. It’s not a baby this time…it’s God—alive—again!
And this living God wants this same abundant life for each of us. Not just the monotonous routines of daily existence but a vital, growing relationship with him.
Perhaps this Easter Sunday finds you heading the wrong way on your journey. Maybe there are no signs of life along your path and all that waits for you up ahead is darkness. If so, stop and turn. Start your steps toward the God who is light and life. Make your choice today—and choose life!