Writing helps me process what God is doing in my life. My prayer is that as you read you will resonate with this work and will see God’s hand in your journey as well.
The Green Room
Sometimes I imagine there must be a green room in heaven. Some place where the Father, Son and Spirit can step away from all the cherubiming and seraphiming and angel racket and just be the three of them.
Dust and Spirit
There is nothing about decibels, sound frequencies or even the unique combining of vowels and consonants that accounts for the response within me to worship music.
Choose Life
The group of seven year olds pushed and jostled each other like puppies trying to get close to their mother.
Home for Christmas
That electric sparkle that charges the atmosphere of the homes of children in those days of preparation for Christmas, was evident in that home that snowy December evening.
Someone You Know?
My life is so meaningless. I wake up in the morning incapable of providing a reason to get out of bed.
A Crumb, A Crown, A Cross
I sat across the table from him. I could tell this wasn't a normal Passover meal.
Breathe a Prayer
The flicker of the single candle was reflected in the eyes of the birthday boy. His attempts to fulfill the encouragement to “blow out the candle” succeeded in only a slight quiver in the flame.
Below “See” Level
On any given day, CNN will bring you, in graphic detail, tragedies from around the globe.
Flashlights and Star Light
Tuesday evening of this past week found me crowded into a gym filled with proud parents waiting to see their children perform in the school’s annual Christmas program.