The Green Room

Sometimes I imagine there must be a green room in heaven. Some place where the Father, Son and Spirit can step away from all the cherubiming and seraphiming and angel racket and just be the three of them.

Imagine the Spirit entering the room. Jesus and the Father are already there. Jesus looks up and asks, “Rough day?” The Spirit sighs and sinks into an easy chair. “You can say that again.” Their eyes meet and the Spirit says, “Joyce. Again.” 

Jesus nods with understanding. His right thumb almost absentmindedly massages the scar on his left palm. “I know. I know. That’s a lot of sin to deal with.”

“And I really thought we were doing so well today” the Spirit murmured. “For most of the day all was well but then we got to the evening and…”

Jesus asked, “Wasn’t it just this morning that she specifically asked for your presence? She said she wanted to literally feel your presence with her throughout the day.”

“I know. But then when we got into the thick of things she turned away and went her own way. Again.”

There was silence for a beat.

The Father finally joined in the conversation. “I don’t really know what you two are talking about. Joyce had my attention throughout her whole day and she was…perfect.”

The Son and the Spirit shared a glance. Eye rolls may have been involved.

“Ah, justification” Jesus said. “What would you do without it? It lets you see all through your rose coloured glasses.” 

“Not through glasses” the Spirit said, “Through blood.” Looking to the Father he said, “You go ahead and enjoy her justification. I’ll continue to work on her sanctification. Look at the progress we’ve made so far!”

Standing, the Spirit headed for the door. “Okay, I’m going back in. You guys better get back out there soon. There are about a million angels gathered around the door waiting for you.”


A Moment