Church as Usual

I had a hard time getting to church today. The kids wouldn’t get up and I couldn’t find my Bible.  We barely made it on time.

I had a hard time getting to church today. It’s hard to travel so late at night without using a torch. It’s especially hard now that I have only one arm. Last year our church was discovered and each person captured had their right arm amputated as punishment for meeting together. 

Once I did get there I discovered there had been a mix up and my children’s ministry material wasn’t ready.

It’s been years since we’ve had any printed material to use for our church. How I wish someone in our church had a Bible. Any kind of religious material is prohibited by our government, whose motto is “We will strangle the baby in the manger.” 

Despite the difficult start to my day, I really enjoyed the fellowship after the service.

Several of my close friends were not present tonight. I wonder if they are safe. And I wonder if they have been intimidated into giving in to the pressure to renounce their faith.

 The worship was so alive, energetic. The band was on fire.

We had a wonderful worship time together. Of course we must whisper and the songs we sing have been written by members of our congregation. Tonight I was particularly moved by a song written by one of our faithful people, “God has not forgotten us. Evil is departing and holiness is advancing. These are the things that shake the earth.”

 Our new location is really great…we’ve looked forward to having our own building for a long time, and now we have it.

Erecting or repairing  buildings used for religious purposes is forbidden. In the past six months 465 churches in our country have been destroyed, burned, or closed. 

I’d love to have my unsaved family and friends know what they are missing by not having a relationship with Jesus Christ. I tried to talk to my neighbour about Christ but he ignored me.

I talked to my neighbour about Christ. He had me killed.


Home for Christmas


Someone You Know?